LEGADLLY – LEGALtech diligentlly

What do we do?

We solve legal problems regarding LegalTech that cannot be addressed (answered, solved) just by applying the specific explicit aspects of norms – we clarify and, therefore, harmonize the explicit and implicit of the law (that is, of rights and duties) regarding Legal Technology to know how specifically rights and duties apply and, consequently, must be applied before the respective legal problem the client presents (tells, shows) to us –. You save time and increase savings/benefits/profits/legal clarity/legal solutions knowledge with us!

We do legal analysis and obtain legal solutions regarding legal problems, and also offer legal education, in both fields regarding LegalTech.

Our value: We are exclusively focused on legally solving legal problems of LegalTech. With us, you save resources (such as the time to obtain experience and knowledge in this field and the time required to get the legal solution to each legal problem regarding LegalTech) and receive the benefits of having our legal clarity before LegalTech.

We are registered in the Ontario (Canada) Business Registry -OBR- with Business Identification Number: 1000258746.

Derecho - Jurídia

With us, you know how to solve a legal problem related to LegalTech or will be generally educated on the legal foundations of Legal Technology

Legal validity of LegalTech products includes elements that exist before, during, and after their specific form. Therefore, they are only valid when such elements are based on the effectiveness of rights and duties by making them harmonious with what is defined in the law.

At LegadlLy we decode how to solve a specific legal problem regarding LegalTech or explain how LegalTech exists according to what is defined in the legal foundations (foundations of law) by clarifying and teaching how the parts and the whole of LegalTech products comply with the legal foundations and the legal details necessary to match the characteristics of rights and duties tailored to the way in which they exist in each legal relationship.

Therefore, we solve legal problems and educate on how to create, operate, use, offer, manage, control, and accredit (the quality) of LegalTech products coinciding with the way in which rights and duties apply to them, that is, with legal validity!

Our founder

Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Prof. Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora

Founder of LEGADLLY

Ph.D. in Law and Certified as Postdoctoral in Law, He Clarified Legal Effectiveness (in general and specifically in relation to LegalTech products).

Founder of LegadlLy, Dr. Camilo Alfonso Escobar Mora created the company with the intention of combining his two great passions, legal solutions and well-being.

To spread our knowledge on how to achieve a better world through effective LegalTech products, that is, legally effective – with legal validity – (since this allows that in each legal relationship where LegalTech exists, there are legal solutions – ways of complying with the law – thanks to being products based on legal validity, that is, legal effectiveness, that is, legal certainty).


LegalTech DiligentlLyLegadlLy

How do we want to be known? What will our legacy be?


To be the leading company in LegalTech diligence legal solutions and education provision.


To improve the world thanks to diligent LegalTech since it exists (that is, since its development, use, and management is) based on rights and duties application, that is, on compliance with – what is defined in the whole of – the law, ensuring that there is good (well-being) in each legal relationship where it exists.


– Clarity.

– Accuracy.

– Balance.

– Simplification.

– Diligence.

– Comprehensiveness.

– Effectiveness.

– Well-being.


You will understand how to handle LegalTech diligently